Awards Management

Funding application & award lifecycle management


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Symplectic Elements brings multiple data sources together in one platform, allowing universities and institutions to easily manage research and faculty information, derive powerful new insights, and showcase the real-world impact of their research activities.

We go beyond other research information management systems, offering you a comprehensive approach to managing the full award funding lifecycle alongside all your research information and faculty activity data.

Embrace a more streamlined, transparent, and collaborative approach to awards management, driving efficiencies and enhancing the overall success of your research endeavours.

The Elements Platform 1

Embedded funding lifecycle management in a full RIM system

Consolidate your research information, faculty activity data, grants and award data in one centralised source of truth. Dedicated API, finance integration, and data migration tools deliver a seamless experience across your other systems.

Streamline the application process, save time, and let your researchers and administrators focus instead on areas of real value-add.

Awards Management

Researcher-centric design

One interface, one UX and one login: reduce barriers for your researchers by making it simple for them to find and apply for funding opportunities within Symplectic Elements.

Research Funding Solution 19

Reduce administrative burden

Avoid re-keying data during the application creation process by reusing data already available within Symplectic Elements. 

Research Funding Solution 18

Increase transparency and insight

Give your researchers continual sight of where in the workflow their proposal is, giving them assurances that their proposal is progressing forward through relevant internal approvals.

“Researcher profiles and end-to-end research funded project management all now take place in the one interface, which has huge benefits to our researchers.”
Liam Cleere, Senior Manager Research Administration, University College Dublin

Support for pre and post award


Promote upcoming funding opportunities to your community Capture funder outcomes and manage contracts
Integrated eligibility checks Schedule and activate project deliverables
Communicate deadlines and processes Automate deliverables, schedules and reminders
Streamline proposal development from start to finish Manage approvals, change requests and project status change
Collaborative forms, templates and workflows Actionable pipeline reporting and annual insights
Transparent tracking at every step Integrate with Finance systems


Promote funding opportunities

Communicate upcoming funding opportunities, carry out eligibility checks and clearly articulate deadlines to your research community through a clean, intuitive user interface designed in collaboration with researchers and administrators. 


Proposal development

Streamline proposal development and reduce unnecessary admin with configurable, collaborative forms, templates and workflows that can guide applicants every step of the way, while giving the research office early visibility of funding proposals being prepared to enable them to provide timely and targeted support. 


Review and approvals

Configurable workflows mean you can design formalised review & approval processes in order to help your researchers create the best possible funding applications. All parties can see the status and next steps for a proposal throughout the pipeline, giving clarity and confidence. 


Email templates

Choose from ready-made email templates to simply set up automated alerts which will prompt users to take action. Templates are completely configurable, and can link out to further guidance documentation which can be stored within the system. 


Track funder outcomes and manage contracts

Capture funder submissions and outcomes, and manage contracts and associated documentation during negotiation. Manage sub-contracts, extensions and other change requests, and store all associated records and documents in one centralised space.


Post-award project management

Activate projects, track milestones and deliverables, and manage progress throughout the lifecycle. Streamline operations with bulk actions and email alerts, and link related projects and sub-projects for comprehensive control. 


Status and compliance tracking

We provide highly configurable checklists for project activation and project closure, allowing you to manage project status and track compliance at a granular level. 


Advanced harvesting & data linking

Upon project activation, a grant record is automatically generated in Symplectic Elements. This grant record can be linked to researcher profiles, CVs, publications, professional activities, impact, and other objects in Elements – giving a comprehensive view of research and funding information, and funding inputs and outcomes. 


Budget oversight & activity reporting
Customisable dashboards and data extracts allow you to gain new insights into funding applications, such as success rates, funding pipelines, and year-on-year comparisons. Real-time reporting lets you slice and dice data in order to report on activities at different levels such as individuals, groups, funders, funding opportunities, etc. 


Integrates with your existing systems

Symplectic Elements easily feeds data to other organisational systems via a dedicated API. Specialised bidirectional finance integration and a suite of data migration tools delivers a seamless, streamlined data experience.

“Our research funding has doubled in the last five years, so the Research Funding Solution will support this growth, ensure process integrity, and provide insights into funding successes.”
Danette Olsen, Director, Research Office, Victoria University of Wellington

We wanted to create a single, multi-university resource that provides
enhanced visibility into expertise, equipment and research
support services and available IP.

Tim Cain, Ohio Innovation Exchange

This tool connects our scholarly and research expertise with audiences like media,
prospective graduate students, and academic collaborators, while simultaneously
helping faculty keep track of the very important work they do. It is a game-changer for U of T.

Associate Vice-President Research, University of Toronto

The deeply integrated environment we now have will greatly enhance
our ability to manage the range of repository activities and strengthen
our position in preparing for any future research assessment exercises.

Digital Development Manager, University of Sussex

It helps keep us organised and keeps everything in one place.

Peter Fisher, Worldwide Cancer Research

Researcher profiles and end-to-end funded research
project management all now take place in the one interface,
which has huge benefits to our researchers.

Liam Cleere, University College Dublin

The discovery module has provided a delightful and fantastic
searchable public interface to our to our faculty.

Paul Bergen, Tufts University

The rate of deposit has increased by 1000% within 12 months following the switch-on of
the publication prompt in Elements and discussion about the HEFCE Open Access policy.

Queen Mary University of London

Elements impressed us with its simplicity, flexibility and control
for individual faculty members, and great responsiveness with customer service.

Clarke Iakovakis, Oklahoma State University

I think the most important feature Symplectic Elements came with was interoperability
The fact that it had that flow through profiles to the repository was really, really valuable for us.

Research Advisor, La Trobe University

Working with Symplectic Grant Tracker has streamlined our grants application process,
with automation of various processes being key to saving us time.

Research & Grants Manager, Bowel Research UK