CERIF-XML export for ROS

4th December 2012

UPDATE: A version 4 demo video has been added to this item


Symplectic is pleased to announce new functionality for our UK clients, a new export format, CERIF-XML. The new export format will allow all users of Elements to export publication data as a CERIF standardised XML file. This same export format can be used by UK clients. This feature is available in Elementsv4.0 and above.

Using the ROS exporter in Elements

CERIF-XML files can be created by both academics and administrative users of Elements. Once generated, the CERIF-XML files can then be imported to ROS via their ‘bulk import’ facility. The new export function can be found in the grants section of a user’s Elements account. Clicking this link will lead users to a page with a set of filters, helping narrow the search for required grants. Once relevant grants have been identified, the publication relationships are exported as a CERIF-XML file that can be uploaded directly to the ROS website. Watch the video below to see it in action.


CERIF in Action (CiA Project)

Developed as part of the JISC funded CiA (CERIF in Action) project, Symplectic has worked in partnership with a number of UK HEIs and the RCUK to deliver a solution to pass standardised research data to the ROS.

“Our involvement in the CiA project has allowed us to deliver functionality which aims to reduce the administrative burden placed on academics”, says Jonathan Breeze, VP, Development at Symplectic. “We very much hope the adoption of CERIF-XML as an exchange format will allow academics to reduce the time spent entering research output data in systems such as the ROS.”

If you would like more information on the ‘Export to ROS’ function please head over to our support site.

What is ROS?

_”The Research Outcomes System (ROS) is a web-based system which allows users to provide research outcomes to four of the Research Councils – AHRCBBSRCESRC and EPSRC.”_
– RCUK Website

More about CiA

CERIF in Action builds directly on work from earlier JISC projects such as Readiness4Ref, CRISPool, CERIFy and IRIOS to synthesise relevant CERIF mappings and collate best practice to define a standard CERIF-XML schema for use in key data exchange scenarios for the broader JISC community. The objective was to take this agreed model through to production ready interfaces to demonstrate the use of CERIF-XML in live scenarios and then share the findings and recommendations with the community via a roadmap for adoption. For more, head to JISC.