Symplectic has partnered with ORCID for many years to bring our clients helpful solution, so we are pleased to announce that we are now a Certified Service Provider for ORCID!
So, what does that mean?
Service Provider Certification is a means for ORCID to partner with Symplectic on their use of ORCID within the Elements platform and to make product information more accessible to the ORCID/Elements user community. The Certification program will help our clients work toward their open research and interoperability goals.If you want to learn more about the certification program from ORCID you can read more here.
About the integration
Being able to effectively and consistently link yourself to your research is not only convenient, but also vitally important if you want your work to be discovered. Since its launch in October 2012, the ORCID registry has issued over 10 million unique identifiers to help researchers and scholars keep track of their outputs and other “works”.
Elements is a long standing supporter of ORCID and offers a range of ways that researchers can connect to their ORCID account to help streamline workflows and share data between the two systems.

Securely reading data from ORCID
Enabling the ORCID integration is easy for researchers, they simply click ‘Connect your ORCID iD’ from the ‘My Actions’ list on the homepage to establish a link from Elements to their ORCID account using OAuth – a secure verification protocol that will authorise Elements to access their ORCID account.
Once the accounts have been linked, Elements will periodically search ORCID for a researcher’s “works” containing a DOI, PubMed ID or Scopus ID. Using these identifiers, Elements will then collect trusted metadata from some of our other data sources including PubMed, Scopus and CrossRef and automatically associate this harvested data with a researcher’s Elements account. In keeping with our philosophy of removing administrative burden on researchers, all “works” will be automatically marked as claimed and no manual intervention is required.
Ensuring high quality data
As the level of duplicates in ORCID is still quite high we have opted to harvest only unique publication identifiers. This approach was taken to maintain the quality of data contained in Elements and so that any unnecessary verification of data imported from the ORCID registry is avoided. Harvesting the publications directly from their source also allows Elements to collect supplementary metadata such as metrics and file links.
Writing data to ORCID
Researchers can also choose to send their publications from Elements to their ORCID record. This enables researchers to reuse data already collected in Elements and contributes to ORCID’s mission of creating trustworthy connections between researchers and their works.
Researchers retain complete control of what publications are sent from Elements to ORCID through the use of a number of configuration settings. They can enable the integration to send all current and future publications automatically to ORCID, or choose to only send a subset if they wish. The metadata sent to ORCID from Elements will automatically be updated if it changes in the future, reducing the need to manually curate data.
Researchers can also choose to send ‘affiliation data’ to ORCID, confirming their relationship to your organisation as a staff member or student.
Using ORCID iDs to automatically claim publications
Elements’ state of the art automatic claiming and identifier search functionality will save your researchers time and effort. ORCID iDs (and other identifiers) that appear in the metadata harvested from data sources are used to help accurately and automatically link Elements users with their publications. This helps lift the administrative burden on researchers by reducing the need to manually claim or add publications.
Growing the community
Our easy to use bidirectional integration with ORCID encourages ORCID adoption, as well as making it easier for researchers to keep their ORCID up to date, meaning richer ORCID profiles, a larger database of research works and ultimately easier disambiguation.
ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-based effort to provide a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers. ORCID is unique in its ability to reach across disciplines, research sectors, and national boundaries and its cooperation with other identifier systems. Find out more on their website.
Do you have questions? Contact us today!
If you are an Elements client, you can contact us on our support site.