Celebrating 13 Years in Research – Happy Birthday Symplectic

26th February 2016

It’s our 13th birthday!

Last year, celebrating 12 years in business, we had a look back through our history to see how our company evolved alongside the needs of the research community. You can see that story (including some retro screenshots of a young Elements version) on our 12th birthday blog post.

So many things have happened in the year since, though; we couldn’t resist having a quick recap. Since February 2015, here’s what we’ve managed:

  • Released some major new additions to Elements – The Open Access MonitorImpact Module, and Analytics Dashboards.
  • Released six updates to Elements, including new features such as Institutional Custom Reporting, enhanced profile customisation, new data sources and integrations.
  • Released a big update to our VIVO Harvester.
  • Partnerhttps://www.symplectic.co.uk/product-news/vivo-harvester-new-updates/ed with a number of prestigious universities and research institutions.
  • Blogged about our integrations with Dimensions for Universitiesfigshare for institutions, GRID, ORCiD and Crossref.
  • Hosted three successful conferences in London, Boston, and Melbourne.
  • Travelled the world meeting members of the research community in events across the globe.
  • Welcomed new members into the team.
  • Saw a number of customers move their Elements instance from local installations to hosted ones – a trend we expect to continue this year.
  • Launched one of our biggest hosted implementations ever with the University of Georgia.
  • Featured in a short film about our story with the Telegraph Business Club.

For this coming year, we’ve got some exciting things on the agenda. We’ll be introducing the next major version of Elements, as well as more updates and features through the year. Possibly some more events and blogs too!

One can only wonder what might happen between this birthday and the next. Thank you to all our partners and supporters for being a part of the journey so far!